I am in love with this man!! The love grows stronger and stronger with each passing year. I have been so lucky to have a sweet and caring man. He is quiet and confident. He is steadfast and hard working. He loves his family and would do anything for them. He exceeds all my hearts desires in a Best Friend!
And one more :)
And more sunflowers
sunflowers are one of my favourite things :)
A is for Alanna :)
It was a whole day field trip to the Blue Heron Reserve and Cultus Lake.
First Ry and his class went to The Blue Heron Reserve where he learned to paint by an instructor and they learned a little about the birds. They then planted some bushes around the water area at the reserve.
Ry and his class then went kayaking at Cultus Lake and they were taught by an instructor their as well. Riley did very well! It was fun to be apart of the field trip with such a sweet boy. I did have to pay him to get a picture though!! HA HA
Children need the most loving when they are behaving the most unloveable